Board of Directors
The mission of King's Daughters Organization is to aid the seniors in our community through both direct volunteering and financial support by way of our grant program. Our circles of friendship are committed to the support and well-being of the elderly in our community.
Our directors play a pivotal role in guiding the organization towards its mission, ensuring King's Daughters Organization fosters a welcoming environment that promotes dignity, respect, and empowerment for all its members. Meet the individuals driving positive change within our community.

Executive Board
Cathy Boerke
President / Ex Officio Member of all Committees
Brownie Anderson
First Vice President / Chair Mission Committee / Grant Committee Chair
Christie Goleman
Second Vice President / Chair Public Relations Committee
Sally Cadagin
Secretary / Co-Chair History Committee
Mary Ann Smith
Assistant Secretary / Chair Membership Committee / Annual Meeting Coordinator
Kathy Mihelich
Treasurer / Chair Finance Committee
Sally Cray
Assistant Treasurer / Chair Development Committee
Kim Cochran
Past President / Willilng Circle
Board of Directors
Sharon Heflin
Maryann Walker (Alternate)

Brownie Anderson
Sandy Bellatti
Connie Locher-Bussard
Mary Ann DeFend (Alternate)
Karen Little (Alternate)

Sally Cadagin
Eve Fischberg
Teresa McElwee
Nance Woodward
Donna Jean Gibney (Alternte)
Barb Wolfson (Alternate)

Cathy Boerke
Yolonda Rice
Susan Beard (Alternate)

Beverly Collins
Mary Ann Smith
Jennifer Buhlig (Alternate)
Shirley Stoldt (Alternate)

Lisa Coakley
Christie Goleman
Ruth Kopec
Brenda Staab
Patti Thompson
Laura Carls (Alternate)
Paula Milling (Alternate)

Kathy LaCamera
Sue Shevlin
Frances Tomashavich (Alternate)

Sally Cray
Susan Fulks
Kelly Griffin
Terri Hempstead
Kathy Mihelich
Diane Brinkman (Alternate)
Carol Sobeck (Alternate)

Karen Alexander
Lesa Branham
Susie Risser
Chiffonia White
Jane Locascio (Alternate)

We conducted 4 workshops (6 sessions for each workshop) and provided 17 participants with a Health and Wellness Kit valued at $207 each. We had speakers for each of the 6 sessions who were experts in their field to educate participants on orientation, physical health, emotional health, nutrition and exercise, financial wellness and safety in the home. One of our participants was ready to give up after losing his eyesight. Today, with the support of ECVI and the King's Daughters Organization, he is adjusting to handling Daily Activities and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He often tells us he does not know where he would be without ECVI.
Educational Center for the Visually Impaired
Peggy Dyson, Executive Director